Speak to Me
“Guide my steps by your word, so I will not be overcome by evil.”—Psalm 119:133
Speak to me in moments,
when anxiety seems to reign,
and time-tested, God-sent precepts
are exchanged for a moment’s gain.
Remind me of Your wisdom
and understanding ways,
when people seem to flee to
confusion in a haze.
Enlighten me in Your path,
when no one seems to know,
and blindly others walk
someplace where they must go.
Guide me toward deliverance,
when all the world is trapped,
and many keep on yelling
for more, their own hands strapped.
Touch me with Your mercy,
when merciless ones lead,
and talk about their kindness,
while others cry and bleed.
Like a heartbeat, a poem can support and sustain life. The cadence of a poem is like the beat of a heart, set in motion by God Himself. It can also be like breathing. Did you know that the name for God, Yahweh, is descriptive of breathing in (yah) and breathing out (weh). Reading an inspiring poem can be like breathing in a fragrance from God, then releasing it to refresh others.
Many times, God wakes me up at night with words, even whole verses, to put to pen. I will rise up and write the words down—the beginnings of a new poem to honor Him. In the past, I’d get up early in the morning to walk around a lake for an hour to experience the quiet solitude of time with Him. It was during these precious moments that I prayed for others and asked Him many questions. He often answered me, not with straight-forward replies, but with pictures. And the scenes He relayed worked themselves into poems, which I penned later. Some came in the form of rhymes, some were word-thoughts, some were prayers, and some were praises. Some were from my point of view. Others from His. All of them became like healing heartbeats or life-giving breaths during difficult times.
The most famous poetry can be found in David’s Psalms, and he often ended them with the word, “selah.” What does it mean? GotQuestions.org concludes that “selah” means “pause and calmly think about that.” “When we see the word selah…we should pause to carefully weigh the meaning of what we have just read or heard, lifting up our hearts in praise to God…. ‘All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing the praises of your name. Selah!’ (Psalm 66:4).”1
The essence of selah can be relayed through the depths of a psalm, a song, a praise, or a poem. In Streams in the Desert, the author says “Is there any word in the Psalms more eloquent than the word ‘Selah,’ meaning pause? Is there anything more thrilling and awe-inspiring than the calm before the crashing of the storm, or the strange quiet that seems to fall upon nature before some supernatural phenomenon or disastrous upheaval? And is there anything that can touch our hearts like the power of stillness? For the hearts that will cease focusing on themselves, there is ‘the peace of God, which transcends all understanding’ (Phil.4:7); ‘quietness and trust’ (Isa. 30:15), which is the source of all strength; a ‘great peace’ that will never ‘make them stumble’ (Ps. 119:165); and a deep rest, which the world can never give nor take away. Deep within the center of the soul is a chamber of peace where God lives and where, if we will enter it and quiet all the other sounds, we can hear His ‘gentle whisper’ (I Kings 19:12). Even in the fastest wheel that is turning, if you look at the center, where the axle is found, there is no movement at all. And even in the busiest life, there is a place where we may dwell alone with God in eternal stillness. There is only one way to know God: ‘Be still, and know.’ ‘The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him’ (Hab. 2:20).”2
In the first section of my poetry book, Lele’s Selah, Prayful Poems that Inspire Hope, the poems demonstrate the dawning of His light in your life. That amazing time when He first comes to you, wherever you may be, and makes Himself known to you. It may be a day in spring, a summer day, a fall day, or a dreary winter day. And you realize that He will make Himself known to you through the world you live in when you are ready to receive Him. The next section of poems shows the life He desires for you on earth. It’s about the life He seeks for you, but also how you can live your life with Him. It’s the struggle up the mountain, which sometimes seems hard and grueling and painful, but issues in His great and abundant peace and serenity, and a breathtaking view once the peak is attained. It’s your journey.
The last section describes where we will all be when He returns for us. It’s the final destination, the awe-inspiring mountaintop, so to speak. It’s our new life, one day, with Him beside us. It’s our ultimate hope.
My hope is that, as you read these poems, God will speak to you, as He spoke to me…through a heartbeat. That they will simmer and work their “magic” on your heart. That they will heal your hurts and wounds, and take you to a new place—a place of worship and adoration for Him. I know how much He loves you, because I know how He loves me! And, He adores you and wants to work through you. He wants so much for you to know His desire for you—to will and to do of His good pleasure in you (Philippians 2:13).
Allow a pause, a stillness, a selah, in your busy day. Let the words of these praise-filled poems sink into your heart and prepare it for your future life—the one you long for. My hope for you is to achieve a fulfilling destination of peace and love and joy now, and a new life with Him one day. May your journey be sweet, with Him working in and through you!
—Lele Beutel, 2024

“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you.”—Isaiah 43:2
Through tiring trials,
I show Myself strongest.
Through frightful fears,
I will prevail.
Through sickening sorrows,
My help runs deepest.
Through shocking storms,
I never fail.
Through long lost love,
My love is plenteous.
Through striking sickness,
My touch survives.
Through crushing cruelty,
My care increases.
Through threat of death,
life with Me thrives.