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Uncover God’s Heart through Lele Beutel’s Powerful Daily Devotionals

Uncover God’s Heart through Powerful Daily Devotionals

In 2001, I discovered a passionate love for God while experiencing great angst for the life of my son, who was diagnosed with lung disease. He bravely fought an ongoing battle for the next 12 years with resurgences of cancerous tumors as my daughter struggled with her own beliefs while starting a family. Both were removed from me, living in places far from home, so I often felt helpless to be involved in their struggles, even as I fought my own battle to nurture a new business.   

In 2002, I wrote: “For many years, I sought God in bits and pieces, usually going to Him during the times when I was at my wit’s end. Between my children’s growing needs, an inevitable divorce, finishing college in my thirties, and working to establish myself in the business community, I had little time to seek out His presence or read the Bible, which I’d savored in my earlier Christian years. When I read a book called Dining at the Master’s Table, Learning to Hear the Voice of the Lord, by Paul Norcross, I began to seek Him again, this time along with daily devotions and prayer. I felt I’d found my resting place.”  

Realizing how much more God could do for me if I would only take daily time to sit in His presence, I made a commitment to “go to my prayer closet” each morning. Since I found it difficult to sit in silence for very long trying to focus my attention on Him alone, I started by walking around a lake and listening for Him in the stillness. Then I’d spend time in my upstairs “throne room,” where I got down on my knees spiritually. I read chapters from the Bible to set the tone for the day. And I asked God for direction. I threw my cares at His feet and prayed for people He put on my heart. As I learned to grow quiet, I began to hear His soft whispers. 

The more I went to Him like this, the more I was amazed and thrilled to find that I could begin to discern His voice. I was so enraptured by this that I often forgot what He said. So, I decided to write His messages down in a journal. Then I could be reminded of His words. Sometimes, months or years after writing what I’d heard, I’d reread the passages. It was these return visits that convinced me that the words were from Him. On August 1, 2001, my journal entry read: “There are those in this world who will try to bring harm, thinking they are right in their ways. These people suffer later for their injustices. They reap consequences to their actions. Do not be afraid of these people, thinking they may bring you harm or destruction. They can never touch your spirit…” Such timely words! The terrorist attacks came shortly after this message, on September 11th, and scarred all of us physically and mentally forever.

Spending daily time with Him changed my life in unimaginable ways. Things that used to bother me no longer caused me to struggle. And I began to more fully experience the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23) in new and wonderful ways. The pages in my daily devotional, God Answers, are excerpts from my journal entries between 2001 and 2021. They are words spoken to and from my heart. They are conversations between my spirit and God’s. 

I hope they bring you as much comfort, peace, joy, and hope as they have brought to me. But, most of all, that they inspire you to spend your own daily time with God seeking His words and will for your life.

Though my son passed away in November 2013, it’s the words I reread from the Bible and in my journal that get me through the hardest days. I see now how God prepared me for this difficult time. He strengthened me and built me up in ways no one else could have. I’m alive because of Him, and I see hope in the future. My daughter prays again. And I know, because He told me so, that one day I’ll be reunited with my beloved son. 

–Lele Beutel

An excerpt from God Answers….

To walk and talk with You

“I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.”

—Psalm 16:8

Me: Lord, You’ve been with me since I was small. You watched over me, sitting near me when I was alone, caressing my thoughts with Your extravagant love, easing my fears with Your heart of mercy, and comforting me over and over with Your hand of hope. Thanks for that. Thanks for loving me when I felt unloved, teaching and guiding me, and showing me the meaning of Your grace. How often have You forgiven me? How often have You been patient with my shortcomings and mindful of my mistakes? And yet You loved me and gave me life. You called and blessed me time and time again. You led me to a belief in Your precious Son Jesus and in all He accomplished for me. You’ve always been there in the dark places. You’re still with me when the pathways are too dim to manage. Be with me now. I need Your help to get through the next days, weeks, and months. Let Your strong hand guide me through the uncertain times. Open my eyes so I can see the spiritual side of life. Remind me of Your presence and mercy today. And continue to comfort me when I need reassurance that You’re here with me. Speak to me, for I am listening for Your reassuring words. I love You.God: Dear one, I love how you chose to believe in Me and My Son and refused to take other possible paths. I’ve always looked past your weaknesses. But remember, it’s through these that I show Myself strongest. Reach for My hand when you need it. I can guide you through unchartered territory if you will let Me. Just ask. You may or may not like the answers I give you, but just trust Me to steer you in the right direction. I’m always beside you. I’m your best friend. I was there when your parents conceived you and I watched for you to live one day for Me. I needed you to reach those you’d touch for Me. I’ve chosen you to be My advocate in this world. You’ll reach many, and I will show you how. Open your hands and receive My blessings. It’s a new year—a time for rejoicing and seeing My great wonders. Make a new commitment—to seek Me diligently in the dark places and through the difficult people I bring to you. Go with Me a step higher because My ways are not your ways. Through places and times that are hard to bear, seek Me. And let My still small voice guide and direct you. I love you.

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